La dimensión regional del desarrollo económico del Uruguay: Una aproximación con estimaciones del VAB departamental 1981-2008


  • Sebastián Goinheix Udelar
  • Adrián Rodríguez Miranda Udelar


Valor agregado bruto departamental, desarrollo regional, métodos de estimación, Uruguay, América Latina


The aim of the article is to present estimates of the regional GVA in Uruguay for 1981 to 2008, with a rigorous methodology, for a period of almost 30 years, allowing to cover part of an enormous information gap that exists since the estimate made by the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay in 1961. The article presents the conceptual and methodological framework that is adopted, and then explains the empirical strategy used to estimate the regional GVA, setting out in detail how the different sectors are estimated for the period 1981 to 2008. From there, the results obtained are shown, contrasting with the only official estimates available from 2008. Finally, the usefulness of having this information is analyzed, accounting for a diversity of economic development trajectories in the different regions of the country. This work thus contributes to placing the territorial dimension in a privileged position to understand economic development, until now ignored in analyzes focused on the national perspective.


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How to Cite

Goinheix, S., & Rodríguez Miranda, A. (2023). La dimensión regional del desarrollo económico del Uruguay: Una aproximación con estimaciones del VAB departamental 1981-2008. Español, 22(XXII), 49–70. Retrieved from