- Svante Prado (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
- Cecilia Lara (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Días y horarios: Miércoles 2 en la tarde (sesión en inglés)
Salón: D2
Important efforts are being made to better examine relative performance across countries. Productivity calculated as labour per value added plays a key role to measure performance over time and several attempts have been made to measure productivity levels at a disaggregated level. Comparisons between two countries require to find a suitable conversion factor to express value of product and value added of both countries in a common monetary unit. The most direct way is using the exchange rate. However, other alternative approaches have also been developed as the expenditure Purchasing Power Parity (known as PPP) and sector-specific conversion factors (known as the industry of origin method). Leaving aside the advantages and disadvantages of each method, it is relevant to estimate productivity comparisons across countries at a disaggregated level in order to provide more insight into the convergence and divergence debate. Another route to examine comparative performance is to establish comparative levels of real wages controlling for heterogeneity in professional characteristics and skill levels. The use of wages also cast light on differences in standards of living. They might also reveal whether distributional consideration play an important part in shaping comparative performance. To establish the link between wages and productivity by industry and sectors provides a promising way to gain understanding of income distribution and comparative performance at the whole economy level. The session is open for papers focused on comparative levels of productivity and real wages. The language of the session is English.
1 Jan Bohlin (University of Gothenburg) “Population dynamics, migration and business cycles in Sweden, 1875-1915”.
2 Svante Prado (University of Gothenburg) “Rainbow rising: Brazilian labour productivity in manufacturing relative to the US, 1907–2010”.
3 Erik Bengtsson (Lund University) and Daniel Waldenstrom (Uppsala University) “Capital shares and top incomes over the long run: 18 countries, c. 1860—2010”.
4 Cecilia Lara (Universidad de la República) “Chilean manufacturing performance in a comparative perspective”.
5 Oriana Montti (Universidad de la República) ““Un análisis de la industria manufacturera en Uruguay 1963-1978-1988-1997”.